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S. Korea’s heat-related deaths rise to 11, over 1,500 treated for heat illnesses

SEOUL, Aug. 5 (Xinhua) — South Korea has reported 11 deaths, caused by heat-related illnesses, this year with over 1,500 people treated for heat illnesses, the interior ministry said Monday.
Three more women were reported dead on Saturday after losing consciousness amid the continued scorching heat across the country, raising the total relevant death toll to 11 between May 20 and Aug. 3, according to the Ministry of the Interior and Safety.
The total number of patients treated for heat-related illnesses between May 20 and Aug. 3 climbed to 1,546, higher than 1,536 tallied in the same period of last year.
Following the end of the rainy monsoon season, the sweltering heat has plagued the entire country since last week, with temperatures hovering around 35 degrees Celsius across the nation and reaching as high as 40 degrees Celsius.
The current heat wave has killed 257,483 heads of livestock, including 235,880 poultry, and 5,867 cultured fish from June 11 to Aug. 3.
The weather agency on Sunday expected the extreme heat, accompanied by tropical nights, to continue for at least another 10 days. ■
